Posts tagged ‘stereotype’

My Meta-Makeover

The coming weekend is a long weekend in Western Australia and I have to empty my home to allow an interior designer to take over and give it a meta-makeover. Not my real home, fortunately or unfortunately, this makeover will occur in Second Life.

Recently a new acquaintance visited my SL home and immediately commented that she could tell from the furnishings that I was old and married. That may be true but in Second Life I want to cast off the stereotypes of age and present a younger, more vibrant look. I wrote to the SL magazine, PrimPerfect, and asked for their help and the staff there jumped at the challenge.

Designer Xylo Hasp has visited our home and we have given him free rein to do as he pleases, with the proviso that, if we don’t like it, he will make changes. I’ve even promised not to peek all weekend. Last night the magazine editor, Saffia Widdershins, arrived to take a few pre-makeover shots and we had a lovely long chat about what she plans for a TV presentation to be aired in about 10 days time.

What fun it will be to see the results, though I do wonder whether Xylo’s ideas and mine will agree. I will paste more pics here when it is done and give a link to the TV presentation too.

September 26, 2008 at 3:41 pm 2 comments